Reinventing myself one day at a time

Twitter Updates for 2011-09-28

Sep 27 2011
  • Hello new Fos­ters and Fans! Thank you for lik­ing our page. Quick update on what we’ve been up to lately: Our… #
  • Julia Child’s Boeuf Bour­guignon. Recipe takes hours to make but wow is it worth it! #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-26

Sep 25 2011
  • Ahoy mateys! In honor of Talk like a Pirate day, ye can change yer Face­book lan­guage to PIRATE! Scroll down to… #
  • A nice, roman­tic, sim­ple song ded­i­cated to pirates every­where! Happy Inter­na­tional Talk Like a Pirate Day! #
  • This lit­tle bit of love from Texas is on its way to a cus­tomer in New Jer­sey! #
  • @scare­baby I’ve been try­ing to find out if the stay of exe­cu­tion ever hap­pened. Do you have any recent links? #TooMuch­Doubt :( in reply to scare­baby #
  • @MJs__Smile @scarebaby Thank you. I have no tv so no news. Am try­ing to find some­thing online. Yes it’s 4th time but never got this close b4 in reply to MJs__Smile #
  • @scare­baby Thank you for link! 1 — 7 day reprieve. #TooMuch­Doubt #Troy­Davis #NOTINMYNAME in reply to scare­baby #
  • Jus­tice is not exe­cut­ing the wrong man. GA expected riots & fight­ing back. Were met w/ peace, song & prayers. #IAmTroy­Davis #NoJustice4Troy #
  • Get­ting ready to watch #f8 Love that they just men­tioned Etsy in the open­ing remarks on F8 Live! #
  • Face­book is promis­ing a bet­ter shar­ing expe­ri­ence. Will it be bet­ter for devel­op­ers or for users? #f8 #
  • Com­ment stolen from G+: Stay sober game: every time you see some­one over 50 at #F8 take a drink. Ha! Make that any­one over 40. 😉 #
  • Ok, is it just me or do the RL #f8 “con­nec­tions” look an awful lot like G+ Cir­cles? #
  • Not impressed with #f8 open­ing but it rings true. New list for peo­ple you’re not inter­ested in. We don’t care about users. Not news. Wait­ing #
  • Next 5 years will be defined by apps? They removed user engage­ment with apps. Don’t see where he’s going yet. #f8 still wait­ing… #
  • New prod­uct Time­line. All ur sto­ries, all ur apps, every­thing you’ve done on FB. Pretty. Wait­ing to see if FB decides my sto­ries for me #f8 #
  • Was it a Freudian slip? Mark Z: “All the way to MY bot­tom.. errr, all the way to the bot­tom” #f8 #
  • Map Time­line: Shar­ing with crim­i­nals when ur away from home. So NOT check­ing into places on FB, TW or any­where. Still not impressed Mark #f8 #
  • Reports: Show­ing how u used an app. Bring­ing back what they did away with a year ago. Is FB pan­ick­ing? Yes. #f8 #
  • FB Time­line = a bunch of pretty pho­tos. #f8 #
  • #f8 Bring­ing new indus­tries into avail­able apps. No longer just games. Could be use­ful. #
  • #f8 con­fer­ence has been inter­est­ingly quiet. Ner­vous laugh­ter and polite applause. Odd. #
  • Tak­ing away the “do you want to pub­lish this game story” option on FB games is a MAJOR FAIL. BAD CHOICE Mark. #f8 #
  • #f8 Com­par­ing #Time­line to scrap­book­ing. The first keynote speaker who comes across as human and not a walk­ing com­puter. #
  • #f8 over. That was.. painful to watch. Will sign up for pretty scrap­book asap but more of the same. FB is chang­ing. Again. What else is new? #
  • Hello and wel­come to all our new fans! Thank you for get­ting us over 25!! Look­ing for­ward to shar­ing with every­one… #
  • @kayecee ‘s Min­ion Mon­i­tor is out! ? Top sto­ries today via @melhi @yellowrosekat @gety­er­goat @jazilla_design < Thanks! in reply to kayecee #

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Twitter Updates for 2011-09-24

Sep 23 2011

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Twitter Updates for 2011-09-23

Sep 22 2011
  • Get­ting ready to watch #f8 Love that they just men­tioned Etsy in the open­ing remarks on F8 Live! #
  • Face­book is promis­ing a bet­ter shar­ing expe­ri­ence. Will it be bet­ter for devel­op­ers or for users? #f8 #
  • Com­ment stolen from G+: Stay sober game: every time you see some­one over 50 at #F8 take a drink. Ha! Make that any­one over 40. ? #
  • Ok, is it just me or do the RL #f8 “con­nec­tions” look an awful lot like G+ Cir­cles? #
  • Not impressed with #f8 open­ing but it rings true. New list for peo­ple you’re not inter­ested in. We don’t care about users. Not news. Wait­ing #
  • Next 5 years will be defined by apps? They removed user engage­ment with apps. Don’t see where he’s going yet. #f8 still wait­ing… #
  • New prod­uct Time­line. All ur sto­ries, all ur apps, every­thing you’ve done on FB. Pretty. Wait­ing to see if FB decides my sto­ries for me #f8 #
  • Was it a Freudian slip? Mark Z: “All the way to MY bot­tom.. errr, all the way to the bot­tom” #f8 #
  • Map Time­line: Shar­ing with crim­i­nals when ur away from home. So NOT check­ing into places on FB, TW or any­where. Still not impressed Mark #f8 #
  • Reports: Show­ing how u used an app. Bring­ing back what they did away with a year ago. Is FB pan­ick­ing? Yes. #f8 #
  • FB Time­line = a bunch of pretty pho­tos. #f8 #
  • #f8 Bring­ing new indus­tries into avail­able apps. No longer just games. Could be use­ful. #
  • #f8 con­fer­ence has been inter­est­ingly quiet. Ner­vous laugh­ter and polite applause. Odd. #
  • Tak­ing away the “do you want to pub­lish this game story” option on FB games is a MAJOR FAIL. BAD CHOICE Mark. #f8 #
  • #f8 Com­par­ing #Time­line to scrap­book­ing. The first keynote speaker who comes across as human and not a walk­ing com­puter. #
  • #f8 over. That was.. painful to watch. Will sign up for pretty scrap­book asap but more of the same. FB is chang­ing. Again. What else is new? #
  • Hello and wel­come to all our new fans! Thank you for get­ting us over 25!! Look­ing for­ward to shar­ing with every­one… #

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Twitter Updates for 2011-09-22

Sep 21 2011

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Twitter Updates for 2011-09-20

Sep 19 2011
  • Ahoy mateys! In honor of Talk like a Pirate day, ye can change yer Face­book lan­guage to PIRATE! Scroll down to… #
  • A nice, roman­tic, sim­ple song ded­i­cated to pirates every­where! Happy Inter­na­tional Talk Like a Pirate Day! #
  • This lit­tle bit of love from Texas is on its way to a cus­tomer in New Jer­sey! #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-19

Sep 18 2011
  • Some­times the best paint­brush is your fin­ger. ? #
  • I posted 6 pho­tos on Face­book in the album “New Jew­elry Work in Progress” #
  • You can see a sneak peek of our Celtic knot dig­i­tal down­load for domino pen­dants on these great pen­dants from… #

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Twitter Updates for 2011-09-18

Sep 17 2011
  • I posted 6 pho­tos on Face­book in the album “New Jew­elry Work in Progress” #
  • You can see a sneak peek of our Celtic knot dig­i­tal down­load for domino pen­dants on these great pen­dants from… #

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Twitter Updates for 2011-09-13

Sep 12 2011
  • Some­times the best paint­brush is your fin­ger. 😉 #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-12

Sep 11 2011
  • Thank you to C3 for Women for let­ting us know that it’s Inter­na­tional Women’s Friend­ship Month! Are you plan­ning… #

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